Καθώς έψαχνα στο διαδίκτυο βρήκα μια παλιά δήλωση ενός γνωστού καλλιτέχνη στην Αμερική, ο οποίος εξέθετε την άποψή του για τις γούνες.
Έλεγε λοιπόν πως προέρχεται από μία οικογένεια που είχε εργοστάσιο παραγωγής γούνας κ ότι δεν τον νοιάζει αν ο κόσμος φοράει γούνες. Συνεχίζει λέγοντας πως το θέμα της ΒΙΑΣ ΣΤΑ ΖΩΑ ΔΕΝ ΤΟΝ ΕΝΔΙΑΦΕΡΕΙ κι ότι υπάρχουν σοβαρότερα θέματα να ασχοληθεί η ανθρωπότητα όπως ο πόλεμος και το περιβάλλον ( μάλλον δεν του έχει εξηγήσει κανείς ότι τα ζώα συμπεριλαμβάνονται στο περιβάλλον !).
Και κλείνει αναφέροντας πως νοιάζεται για τα απειλούμενα είδη -τα οποία κατά τη γνώμη του δεν πρέπει να γίνονται γούνες- όμως αδιαφορεί για τα κουνέλια τα οποία πολλαπλασιάζονται με μεγάλη συχνότητα. Συγκεκριμένα λέει πως δεν τον νοιάζει για τα κουνέλια!
Δηλαδή σύμφωνα με τις δηλώσεις του είναι ΥΠΕΡ στο ΒΑΣΑΝΙΣΜΟ ΤΩΝ ΚΟΥΝΕΛΙΩΝ, επειδή τα καημένα είχαν την ατυχία να γεννηθούν σ ένα είδος που για να προστατεύεται από τους εχθρούς του πρέπει να πολλαπλασιάζεται.
Έρχομαι λοιπόν τώρα εγώ να σας ρωτήσω....Πώς είναι δυνατόν ένας άνθρωπος που θεωρείται "καλλιτέχνης" να υιοθετεί τέτοιου είδους απόψεις? Τα βλέπω τόσο παράλογα τα πράγματα??
Παραθέτω και τη σχετική δήλωση για όσους ενδιαφέρονται να τη διαβάσουν.
By Charles Moffat - February 2nd 2007.
Many years ago I worked in a chinchilla factory owned by my parents. I swept floors, cleaned cages, fed and watered chinchillas that would eventually be destined to make fur coats. Chinchilla fur is considered to be the softest and most luxurious fur money can buy, and thus is pretty expensive.
My parents eventually got out of the fur business when the market bottomed out due to anti-fur protestors. My parents were bankrupt. So I'm coming from a rather unique position on the fur trade, having taken part in the raising of said animals. BTW, Chinchillas bite.
But bites or no bites, I myself am a bit of a fence sitter on the whole anti-fur issue. I really don't care if people wear fur. Cavemen wore fur, so to me fur is very natural. Its really the only fabric humans are meant to wear.
On the other hand, humans have also evolved to a level where we don't need to wear fur any more. We have hundreds of fabrics to choose from. I could even foresee a future in which clothing in general is mostly unnecessary and society converts to naturalism. But it isn't going to happen now or for a very long time.I'm not so much worried about the whole cruelty to animals issue either. We humans are cruel to everything, including each other. We have far more pressing concerns like war and the environment to worry about.
In other words, anti-fur really isn't that big of a concern and doesn't deserve much attention.
Unless of course people are hunting nearly extinct or endangered species. IE. Polar bears are now endangered, and thus should be strictly off limits to the fur trade.
But other non-endangered creatures such as rabbits (which multiply by the thousands) I don't really mind if people wear it.
In general wearing fur is immoral these days, but we do need to keep the rabbit population down. Its really a lifestyle choice and question of whether you want people thinking of you as a heartless bitch who cares more about fashion than you do about animals.
Many years ago I worked in a chinchilla factory owned by my parents. I swept floors, cleaned cages, fed and watered chinchillas that would eventually be destined to make fur coats. Chinchilla fur is considered to be the softest and most luxurious fur money can buy, and thus is pretty expensive.
My parents eventually got out of the fur business when the market bottomed out due to anti-fur protestors. My parents were bankrupt. So I'm coming from a rather unique position on the fur trade, having taken part in the raising of said animals. BTW, Chinchillas bite.
But bites or no bites, I myself am a bit of a fence sitter on the whole anti-fur issue. I really don't care if people wear fur. Cavemen wore fur, so to me fur is very natural. Its really the only fabric humans are meant to wear.
On the other hand, humans have also evolved to a level where we don't need to wear fur any more. We have hundreds of fabrics to choose from. I could even foresee a future in which clothing in general is mostly unnecessary and society converts to naturalism. But it isn't going to happen now or for a very long time.I'm not so much worried about the whole cruelty to animals issue either. We humans are cruel to everything, including each other. We have far more pressing concerns like war and the environment to worry about.
In other words, anti-fur really isn't that big of a concern and doesn't deserve much attention.
Unless of course people are hunting nearly extinct or endangered species. IE. Polar bears are now endangered, and thus should be strictly off limits to the fur trade.
But other non-endangered creatures such as rabbits (which multiply by the thousands) I don't really mind if people wear it.
In general wearing fur is immoral these days, but we do need to keep the rabbit population down. Its really a lifestyle choice and question of whether you want people thinking of you as a heartless bitch who cares more about fashion than you do about animals.
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